l 矿山安全科学理论
l 矿井通风、防火与水害防治
l 矿山动力灾害
l 深部采矿安全
l 边坡灾害防治
l 瓦斯防治与利用
l 矿山机电安全
l 矿山职业危害
l 油气和水合物安全开发
l 矿山安全管理与安全行为
l 矿山安全物联网
l 矿山智能安全与可视化
l 矿山应急管理与救援
l 其他相关领域
l 邀请国内外有关院士、专家学者作大会和专题学术报告。
l 会议将在全文投稿的论文中评选优秀论文并推荐至《international journal of mining science and technology》《international journal of coal science and technology》《journal of sustainable mining》等sci或ei检索期刊发表。
l 在全文投稿并作会议现场报告的论文中评选国际矿山安全科学与工程“优秀论文”,并在大会闭幕式上颁奖。本次会议论文摘要集拟在国际知名出版社正式出版(会议时提供用于会议交流的非正式出版论文摘要集),论文和详细摘要格式要求详见会议网站:http://www.icmsse.com。
l 会议期间icmsse将评选“国际矿山安全科学与工程卓越青年学者”,青年学者<40岁,即1983年1月以后出生。申请者需由icmsse委员提名,其申报要求详见网站:。
l 拟在会场及会议网站展览宣传国内外矿山安全成果。
2023年3月10日,会议通过以下两个网站访问登录: 威廉希尔、http://www.icmsse.com;
国内参会者 |
¥3000 |
国外参会者 |
$500 |
国内随行人员、学生及icmsse委员 |
¥1500 |
国外随行人员、学生及icmsse委员 |
$250 |
会议特邀专家 |
免注册费 |
mcgill university (canada)
central mining institute (poland)
university of wollongong (australia)
university of new south wales (australia)
khabarovsk federai research center (russia)
周世宁院士 袁亮院士 蔡美峰院士 葛世荣院士 张来斌院士
hani mitri,professor,mcgill university
主 席:吴 强,教授,黑龙江科技大学
国际主席:ren ting,professor,university of wollongong
liu shimin,professor,pennsylvania state university
主 席:何学秋,北京科技大学
国际主席:hani mitri,mcgill university (canada)
委 员:(按英文首字母排序)
apel derek, university of alberta (canada)
aleksandra koteras, central mining institute (poland)
abbas taheri, the university of adelaide (iran)
adam smolinski, central mining institute (poland)
baoyong zhang, heilongjiang university of science and technology (china)
baisheng nie, chongqing university (china)
dazhao song, university of science and technology beijing (china)
davide elmo, university of british columbia (canada)
deniz tuncay, west virginia university (united states)
duzgun h.sebnem, colorado school of mines (united states)
diogo miguel f.tato, university of porto (portugal)
enyuan wang, china university of mining and technology (china)
heinz konietzky, tu bergakademie freiberg (germany)
linming dou, china university of mining and technology (china)
ismet canbulat, the university of new south wales (australia)
igor yurievich rasskazov, khabarovsk federai research center (russia)
jiren wang, liaoning technical university (china)
jianping wei, henan university of technology (china)
kizil mehmet, university of queensland (australia)
konicek petr, institute of geonics, czech academy of sciences (czech republic)
longzhe jin, university of science and technology beijing (china)
lishuai jiang, shandong university of science and technology (china)
ming cai, laurentian university (canada)
mian sohail akram, punjab university (pakistan)
mitra rudrajit, university of witwatersrand (united states)
murat karakus, university of adelaide (australia)
prusek stanislaw, central mining institute (poland)
ran jerry, kinross gold corporation (canada)
shuqing li, hunan university of science and technology (china)
sainoki atsushi, kumamoto university (japan)
sasmito agus pulung, mcgill university (canada)
shimin liu, pennsylvania state university (united states)
ting ren, university of wollongong (australia)
tshibangu j.p. k., university of mons (belgium)
vladi frid, sami shamoon college of engineering (israel)
yuksel asli sari, mcgill university (canada)
yiyu lu, chongqing university (china)
wei victor liu, university of alberta (canada)
zach agioutantis, university of kentucky (united states)
秘书:shengquan he, university of science and technology beijing (china)
kumral mustafa, mcgill university (canada)
majid khan, university of science and technology beijing (china)
国际秘书:bella starnino,roctek r&d inc., montreal, canada
6th international symposium on mine safety science and engineering
(the first round notification)
the 6th international symposium on mine safety science and engineering (icmsse 2023) will be held in harbin from august 18 to 20, 2023. the symposium is hosted by heilongjiang university of science and technology, heilongjiang, china. we sincerely invite experts, leaders and scholars in mine safety engineering and related fields to participate in the symposium. the symposium will exchange innovative achievements, share new concepts, new methodologies, emerging technologies, new equipment, exhibit technical equipment in the field of mine safety science and engineering and related fields. meanwhile, international young excellent scientists will be selected for certification in the field of mine safety science and engineering and also the committee will choose excellent conference papers.
ⅰ: proposed topics:
l theory of mine safety science
l mine ventilation, fire and water damage prevention
l mine dynamic disasters (mine induced seismicity, rockburst, coal and gas outburst, coal and metal mine ground control)
l deep mine safety
l coal mine gas control and utilization
l mine electromechanical safety
l safe development of oil, gas and hydrate
l mine occupational hazards
l mine safety management and safety behavior
l mine safety internet of things
l application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and virtual reality to mine safety
l rock slope stability and landslide stabilization
l data visualization for mine safety
l remote sensing for mine safety
l mine emergency rescues
l other related topics
ⅱ: main contents of the symposium
l inviting academicians, experts and scholars from around the world to present their works.
l selection of excellent papers from full papers submission and recommendation of publication to international journal of mining science and technology, international journal of coal science & technology, journal of sustainable mining and other sci or ei indexed journals for publication.
l selection of the international mine safety science and engineering "excellent paper" among the papers submitted in full text and orally presented at the symposium. the "excellent paper" will be presented at the closing ceremony. the collection of abstracts of this conference will be officially published in an internationally renowned publishing house. the conference will publish a collection of abstracts informally as the exchange materials during the conference. please see the template on icmsse's website for the format requirements of the full papers and detailed abstracts submission: http://www.icmsse.com.
l icmsse will select international young excellent scientists for certification in the field of mine safety science and engineering. age criteria for the young scientists is less than 40 years old (born after january 1983). candidates should be nominated by icmsse members. for more information, interested candidates can refer to the icmsse's website.
l the achievements of mine safety at global scale will be displayed on the venue and conference website.
ⅲ: symposium language:
the medium of instruction during this symposium will be english including papers submission and presentation.
ⅳ: important dates
march 10, 2023, the two symposium websites can be visited: 威廉希尔、http://www.icmsse.com.
may 15, 2023, deadline for abstract submission. the deadline for full papers submission may be postponed as appropriate. contributors are required to provide detailed abstract according to the format requirements.
june 1, 2023, deadline for the application of international young excellent scientists.
june 5, 2023, registration is available on the conference website.
june15, 2023, send notification of acceptance and conference invitation.
july 20, 2023, release the schedule of plenary session and sub forum.
august 18-20, 2023, symposium to be held. registration on august 18.
ⅴ. registration fees:
author (chinese) |
¥3000 per person |
author (international) |
$500 per person |
icmsse member (chinese) /delegate/student |
¥1500 per person |
icmsse member/delegate/student |
$250 per person |
invited experts |
free |
registration fee payment:
online payment http://www.usth.edu.cn、http://www.icmsse.com
or on-site payment
ⅵ. symposium website
威廉希尔, http://www.icmsse.com
ⅶ. symposium organization
international committee of mine safety science and engineering (icmsse)
heilongjiang university of science and technology
university of science and technology beijing
mcgill university (canada)
china university of mining and technology
china university of mining & technology (beijing)
central mining institute (poland)
central south university
university of wollongong (australia)
chongqing university
northeastern university
university of new south wales (australia)
taiyuan university of technology
guizhou university
anhui university of science and technology
shandong university of science and technology
liaoning technical university
khabarovsk federai research center (russia)
xi`an university of science and technology
henan polytechnic university
hunan university of science and technology
north china institute of science and technology
north china university of science and technology
inner mongolia university of science and technology
hebei university of engineering
kunming university of science and technology
xinjiang institute of engineering
heilongjiang province hydraulic research institute
china national coal association
china occupational safety and health association
china coal society
china institute of safety in mines
zhong-an academy of safety engineering
anbiao national center for mining products safety sign
heilongjiang longmay mining group co. ltd
heilongjiang bureau of the national mine safety administration
under solicitation......
honorary chairs
academician zhou shining, academician yuan liang,
academician cai meifeng, academician ge shirong,
academician zhang laibin, icmmse chair he xueqiu
general chair
meng shangjiu, professor/president, heilongjiang university of science and technology
international chair
hani mitri,professor,mcgill university
organizing committee chair:
zhang guohua, professor/vice president, heilongjiang university of science and technology
technical program committee
chair: wu qiang, professor, heilongjiang university of science and technology
international chair: ren ting, professor, university of wollongong
liu shimin, professor, pennsylvania state university
honorary members: academician gu dazhao,
icmsse/ scientific advisory committee
chair: he xueqiu, university of science and technology beijing
international chair: hani mitri, mcgill university (canada)
members: (alphabetical order)
apel derek, university of alberta (canada)
aleksandra koteras, central mining institute (poland)
abbas taheri, the university of adelaide (iran)
adam smolinski, central mining institute (poland)
baoyong zhang, heilongjiang university of science and technology (china)
baisheng nie, chongqing university (china)
dazhao song, university of science and technology beijing (china)
davide elmo, university of british columbia (canada)
deniz tuncay, west virginia university (united states)
duzgun h.sebnem, colorado school of mines (united states)
diogo miguel f.tato, university of porto (portugal)
enyuan wang, china university of mining and technology (china)
heinz konietzky, tu bergakademie freiberg (germany)
linming dou, china university of mining and technology (china)
ismet canbulat, the university of new south wales (australia)
igor yurievich rasskazov, khabarovsk federai research center (russia)
jiren wang, liaoning technical university (china)
jianping wei, henan university of technology (china)
kizil mehmet, university of queensland (australia)
konicek petr, institute of geonics, czech academy of sciences (czech republic)
longzhe jin, university of science and technology beijing (china)
lishuai jiang, shandong university of science and technology (china)
ming cai, laurentian university (canada)
mian sohail akram, punjab university (pakistan)
mitra rudrajit, university of witwatersrand (united states)
murat karakus, university of adelaide (australia)
prusek stanislaw, central mining institute (poland)
ran jerry, kinross gold corporation (canada)
shuqing li, hunan university of science and technology (china)
sainoki atsushi, kumamoto university (japan)
sasmito agus pulung, mcgill university (canada)
shimin liu, pennsylvania state university (united states)
ting ren, university of wollongong (australia)
tshibangu j.p. k., university of mons (belgium)
vladi frid, sami shamoon college of engineering (israel)
yuksel asli sari, mcgill university (canada)
yiyu lu, chongqing university (china)
wei victor liu, university of alberta (canada)
zach agioutantis, university of kentucky (united states)
secretary:shengquan he, university of science and technology beijing(china)
kumral mustafa, mcgill university (canada)
majid khan, university of science and technology beijing(china)
international secretary:bella starnino,roctek r&d inc., montreal, canada
ⅷ. submissions and tradeshow
website:http://www.usth.edu.cn、http://www.icmsse.com(registration, submission and review)
for more information, please contact email:
tel:dr. li(86 18845108670)dr. zhang(86 15004690162)
heilongjiang university of science and technology
march 2023